Thursday, May 08, 2008

i need a new definition

what does it mean to be Pentecostal in the 21st century?


Anonymous said...

that the Spirit of God has entered our world, permeated our lives and empowers His Church to reveal the Kingdom Reign of God?

that is my attempt.


Tim Kirby said...

thanks Doug! i like the simplicity of your definition. i guess along with this i also want to explore how people who are thus permeated and empowered would actually live out this life of revealing God's Kingdom Reign in this century. what does that look like?

what i mean is this... i grew up with this stuff. i have been to camp meetings and know what a brush arbor is. i have seen revivals blast onto the church scene (and seen them go, too). i have been to healing services, crusades, church camp (got saved there every summer).

but all that and more is changing... in good ways. so much of that is cultural. so it seems to me that God wants to reveal himself, still through his people, but in new ways. i think it is/will be different for our time, for a new generation (either that or i am just myopic. maybe this line of thinking is self-centered. maybe every generation feels like they are going to do something new).

i do see from Scripture that God revealed his purpose to people in different ways over time. he revealed his plan to Moses in one way (burning bush, cloud of His Presence, etc.) but to Joshua, another (the angel of the Lord showed up as a warrior).

anyway, the bottom line is this, i want to honor everything i know of God's desire to work through us but i want to see how it fits with the here and now.