Thursday, September 29, 2005

harley grace - part three

when i got home from the retreat i was so full of peace, joy, encouragement, purpose, hope and vision. the impact of the times of worship and inspirational teaching were wonderful and certainly figure into everything i was feeling. it was clear, however, that what had put me over the edge was the sense of community i had experienced while riding and sharing life with my new-found pentecostal biker buddies. these guys (and gals) were so full of passion for sharing the Christ-life with others and proud of the opportunity that riding had given them to minister to people that many have overlooked, america's eight million bikers and motorcyclists.

that passion sparked something in me and it wouldn't let me go. i knew that i had to be a part of this. so upon returning from the retreat i called russ at his office in indiana and we talked for probably an hour or more about his story (the story of the incredible transformation God performed in his life) and his ministry (the gift that God gave him of sharing the story of his transformation with the biker culture). and by the time we were done with our conversation i had downloaded the membership application from his web site and had gathered all the details i needed to start a new chapter of honorbound mm in virginia.

it took a few months to get everything in place but by the spring i had my colors (the patches that are displayed on the back of your vest and identify you as a member of the ministry) and virginia chapter 2 was launched.

and in the midst of riding and praying for opportunities to share Christ with bikers (along with all the other ministry we did as church planters in a young and growing congregation), my wife, evelyn, and i received some unbelievable news. after nearly eight years of hoping, praying, wondering, and waiting, evelyn was pregnant with our second child. God, the giver of all good things, was up to something new.

more later...

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