Friday, October 15, 2004

brownsville blues

i have been pondering another question.

did the brownsville revival in pensacola look so much like the azusa revivals because God moved the same way as before or because that was the way people (including me. I went to brownsville in 1996) expected to experience it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, here you go... (It's a little off topic, but it fits with the other previous posts...)

I think the over-arching "big problem" with perception and modern vs postmodern vs ancient vs future vs whatever is...

When we read the Bible, we try to find out what God is saying to us. It's that simple.

That's all well and good, but we skip the first step. What did it say to who it was written to originally?

In otherwords, I think Christ-followers today often mess it up. They do Hermaneutics (what the Bible means) before they do Exegesis (what the Bible MEANT). In fact, usually I find people just skip the second step, which is supposed to be the FIRST step. Your more-educated disciples and leaders don't seem to do this any less than the less-educated ones.

Somebody's out there reading this and saying, "No, I just take the Bible literally... every word." To which I say, "No you don't." Good thing, too, because otherwise you'd be gouging out your eye, cutting off your hand, Jesus would be a chicken, you'd execute your children for talking back to you, and you'd be looking for that stupid cloak that Paul left at Troas with Carpus, among other ridiculous things.
